The Arabs invented gunpowder and firearms
The Arabs and the Greek fire
The Arabs knew the composition of the Greek fire, and this fire spread so much to them that it became an important attack factor, and the Arabs excelled in using it and throwing it in various ways, and it is not unknown that the news of the terror it cast in the hearts of the Crusaders was mentioned in their conversations, and from that when Joinville declared that it was the most terrible thing he raised in his life and that it was He was struck by the large flying dragons in the air, and when Joinville became in the vicinity of King San Luis, he raised his hands to the sky and said weeping, “Our Lord Jesus, protect us and protect our people.”
the Chinese, the Arabs or the Europeans?
The investigations of Reneau and Favih, who are two French writers who were preceded by Ali Al-Ghariri, Andre, and Viardo, proved that the Arabs were the ones who invented the easy-to-explosive gunpowder that propelled the missiles.
And the statement of this is that the authors saw at the beginning of the matter, as others saw, that the matter of this invention belongs to the Chinese, and that they returned in a second note that they published in the year 1850.
after they Check out what came in some of the manuscripts that were found recently about their opinion, declaring that the Arabs are the owners of this great invention that turn the war upside down.
What the authors said is that the Chinese are the ones who discovered gunpowder salt and used it in industrial fire, and that the Arabs are the ones who extracted the driving force of gunpowder, meaning that the Arabs are the ones who invented firearms.
Historians are of the opinion that the first battle in which cannons were used is the battle of Chrissy that took place in 1346.
But the truth is what the historian of the Arabs proved in their writings from the many texts that indicate that the use of cannons took place long before that year.
And whoever Check out the anthologies extracted from the manuscripts translated by Kundah finds in particular that Prince Yaqoub besieged a rebel leader in the city of Mahdia in Africa in the year 1205, and that he hit its walls with various machines and bombs, i. The iron falls in the middle of the city.
We see this explicitly in the history of Ibn Khaldun on the authority of the Berbers, where he mentioned the use of cannons in siege by saying:
The manuscripts of that time prove that firearms spread quickly among the Arabs, and that they used them to defend the city of the island, which was attacked by the eleventh Avunch in the year 1343.
And it is narrated in the history of the Eleventh Edifunch that the Moroccans of the city were hurling a lot of thunderbolts at the army, They throw several large iron bombs at him, it was a big blower, and that is at a great distance from the city, after which it passes over the army and some of them fall on him.
The English Count of Derby and Count of Salisbury attended that siege and witnessed the results of the use of gunpowder, they transferred that invention to their country, and the English used it in the Battle of Crecy four years later.
You will find in the Arabic manuscripts an explanation of the composition of the position of the Arabs that they used from gunpowder and firearms, but the funny text that was mentioned in a manuscript written in the late thirteenth century AD and translated by Renault, in which a description of ammunition with an indication of its percentage.
10 dirhams of gunpowder salt, two dirhams of coal, and one and a half dirhams of sulfur are taken and crushed until they become like dust. Only one-third of the cannon is filled with it, for fear of its explosion, for this purpose, the turner makes a cannon of wood whose size matches its muzzle, fit for his hole.